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Frequently Asked Questions


Is Evil Eye free?

Evil Eye is free for 3 days, and then only a cup of coffee per month.

Unlike many other apps, we make money selling subscriptions, not your data. If you like that approach, please consider upgrading to Evil Eye pro.

You can download Evil Eye and try all of the premium features for free.


What's included in Evil Eye pro?

Adding soon


Can Evil Eye see what's on my screen?

Absolutely not, Apple does not allow this.


Help, my addiction is just too strong! 😭

To keep you as addicted as possible, most social media platforms are literally built with the constant help of gambling machine experts...

We get it.

Although we would love for Evil Eye to work on the most server addiction cases, sometimes we get people who are just too deep in... People who have 12 - 14 hour screen times on a good day, and walk around with a solar powered power bank just incase.

If that's you, we recently designed a new feature where you invite a trust buddy whom you would be embarrassed by if they knew how much time you spend on social media every day.

After one hour of your daily allocated social media use, they will be notified every time you open the app. Not only is this very annoying for your buddy, it will also be quite embarrassing for you.

You won't be able to lie anymore. They will tell you to get a life, you'll feel horrible and change will be your only option.

This harsh feature is designed for the most severe cases, try at your own risk.


Why not just use Apple's screen time feature?

You wouldn't be here if it worked.