Evil Eye forces you to look at yourself whenever you open social media.
Opens Instagram to check a message, 4 hours magically pass by
All were built with gambling machine experts btw
8/10 users say their screen time halved instantly.
Evil Eye works fully automated and is triggered by every attempt to open the app or website of your choice. You will be forced to take a deep breath and then decide: Do you really want to spend time there? Or was it just an impulse out of boredom or stress?
Evil Eye does not block social media - it just acts as a speedbump, letting you think first.
Our social media habits are the outcome of psychological mechanisms that apps trigger in our brains. They use the system of instant gratification which releases dopamine whenever we perceive a like or a message on our phone. Evil Eye's approach is to break those habits. By making you wait longer for social media to open, your brain loses interest in those (destructive) short-term dopamine hits.
You just wanted to check that one message – and ended up scrolling on Instagram for 30 minutes? Social media is designed to keep you hooked to spend as much time as possible. Time that could be spent so much better – with your family and friends, getting work done or for your hobbies and wellbeing.
Evil Eye is developed with the help of psychologists and user experience experts. How can Evil Eye transform your life?
Replace bad habits with good ones: Evil Eye suggests alternatives when you open apps.
Having two more weeks per year not spent on social media – to work on your projects & to recharge!
High social media usage is often related to depression and anxiety symptoms.
App usage drops by 57% on average thanks to Evil Eye – proven by science!.
Prevent scrolling mindlessly before you go to bed – and block apps automatically after waking up.
Users praise Evil Eye as the “holy grail for ADHD relief”.
No complicated set up or hidden costs
You'll soon know why
I find it amazing how just a quick 10 second break can make you question whether or not you really need to be on social media. Big respect to the creators.
Previous content blockers, I'd uninstall, or work my way around. This is the only one that has effectively worked. I have never considered deleting it once.
It’s exactly what I needed. A forced speed bump from mindless social media. Pure genius. Stupid simple to set up and is completely worth it.
I love how Evil Eye is not preachy or overbearing, it simply shows you a math game and leaves the decision up to you. It's surprisingly super effective 👏🏼
Finally, a social media addiction fix that ACTUALLY WORKS. This is one of the greatest apps on my phone, apple should pre-install it on every iPhone.
Yuuupppp. Stop what ur doing, u need this on your phone right now, everyone should know about this.
Even the screen time feature in apple is easy enough to surpass, but then you get told about Evil Eye 🧿🧿 What a great way to stop me in my tracks. Happily bought a year subscription to this.
After struggling mentally for years and drowning myself in mindless scrolling my screen time was anywhere from 7-12 hours a day. To the makers of this app, thank you 🧿 You have brought a change desperately needed by everyone my age today. 🧟
Simple and exactly what it says. 10/10 🎯